Business Barometer

Electronic updates on changes affecting the companies you're interested in.

Thousands of new official company & business documents can be processed daily, which means it can be tricky to stay on top of things...that's why instant alerts on are set-up to take that strain away.

Company Monitoring:

If an Irish or UK company you have an interest in changes Status, Director, Address or files new documents (latest accounts etc) - you'll be first to know.

Insolvency Monitoring:

Details key Company Insolvency notices daily. With it you'll know about Court Petitions, Meetings of Creditors, Liquidator & Receiver appointments etc.

Judgment Monitoring:

Monitors Companies that have been taken to Court for not repaying debts to let you know if they incur any further Judgments.

Credit Score Monitoring:

Our Credit Reports are some of the most authoritative ones available anywhere. If a credit score of a company changes we'll let you know...straightaway!

To view details of any Irish or UK companies, or indeed, any of your clients, competitors or suppliers - simply login to your account today.

Insolvency Notices


The number of companies that have collapsed this year. This figure is down 1% compared to last year
Click here to view the list


Our Credit Reports are predicting over 80% of insolvencies at up to 6 months in advance.



  • 17 Companies

E8 (Notice Of Appointment Of Receiver)

  • 7 Companies


  • 0 Company



The number of companies that have closed this week.

New Startups

New Companies

  • 332 Companies

New Businesses

  • 440 Businesses

Important Changes

Changed Status

  • 823 Companies


  • 3 Companies

Strike off & Struck off Companies

Strike Off

  • 307 Companies

Struck Off

  • 0 Company

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